For a week (it supposed to be :p) I participated on World Conference held by United Nations located in Sendai, JAPAN. The series of this program is very likely a big conference (mochiron). 11th-18th March was full of events and it was "scattered" in all over various place in sendai. (I called it high mobility conference tho)
So many Indonesian friends are coming. I was so happy for both being able to join the conference and met my friend from Indonesia. A lot of amazing Indonesian delegates came, such an honor to be able to served them with hospitality.
The conference (which I should took a part in) was supposed to be started from 11th March but I ended up travelling with my friends until 14th. On 15th I participated on Symposium held by Tohoku University (still one of WCDRR series).
I should wear suit =..= |
15th March 2015: Why did I join on such symposium?
The answer is... Mr. Super Amazing Spectacular Men of The Year which is selected as UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon was giving his speech at that time :D
Mochiron, after he was done doing his speech, time for me to leave too~
I don't know, that was my first time listening at his speech but I kinda like him tho.
source: greenmagz |
I forgot to mention, I sat next to 2 Indonesian friends of mine so we decided to leave together. Then we attended a "meeting" with Indonesian delegates in one of Indian Restaurant close to the station.
We talked a lot. We met some vice presidents of various NGO in Indonesia such as Dompet Dhuafa (Bpk. Arifin), ACT Indonesia, and so on. Besides, we also met Bpk. Din Syamsudin (head of MUI).
with vice president of ACT Indonesia |
with Bpk. Din Syamsudin |
with Bpk. Din Syamsudin |
16th March 2015: Realizing I left two amazing days of Biggest Conference I ever attended
This event in superb! Thousand great people concerning in disaster risk reduction came at this event. A lot of Research Institute, company, run on this topics issue also came with their amazing booth. I just kept go around the booth, asking my inquiries about their amazing project.
One of the amazing project was from JAXA.