
When the leaves turn brown, the scent of the air is the best, you must be in autumn...


Suddenly tiny ice flakes fell down and all of places turn into romantic sites

Light Pageant

One of most beautiful site I visited in Japan

Line Follower Robot

Simple but very precious for me. Roughly speaking it does change my life up to now.

Laboratory card member

Currently student in Nakazawa Laboratory, Tohoku University. Lab's specialty is Ultrahigh speed optical communication.

Labortory Experiment

Ultrahigh Speed Optical Communication

Cherry Blossom in Tokyo

On the beginning of April, I and some friends were going to Tokyo

for seeing the first cherry blossom in Tokyo
here's some picts:

Cherry blossom (Sakura)

Roughly speaking, that was my one of crazy adventure in Japan. Why?

1. It was started when we chose to ride the night bus

We chose the night bus because it was obviously cheapest way to go to Tokyo. Around 23.45 our bus departed from Sendai station to Tokyo. I didn't sleep at all during our 6 hours riding a bus. I didn't know why, I just couldn't.
Finally, at 6 am we arrived safely in bus parking close to Shinjuku Station, Tokyo. Our first destination was Takao-yama (Mount Takao). Yeah, we would like to do a "little hiking".

2. Hiking 

On the way going to the site, we passed through thousands of sakura (cherry blossoms) which was my first time to see at the entire my life.
After about 1 hour riding train, we arrived on the desired site. However, we wanted to hike a mountain from 3/4 height to up (hahaha not 100%).
That's why we would ride a cable car to go up first.

This is the elevated cable car

some calligraphy on my way to go upper

with some friends

ignore it

with sisters
finally we made it on top

2. We reached the top but it didn't mean we "finished" here

On that height, it was impossible for us to go down normally (without any cable car or lift). So we managed to look for the way going to those facilities.
Unfortunately we were lost in direction, It caused us to walk up and down hill so many times just because we realized the wrong path after miles away we went down hill.
After about 1 hour we burned fat by hiked the wrong path, finally we found the way. We decided to ride a "lift" on the way go down. The lift was so scary at the first time, but I pretty enjoyed my time after some minutes being on that lift.

The lift has no holder in front of our body, only a hand holder on the right and left side
Actually it was dangerous to hold or even take a picture while on the lift :p

3. I'm hungry! Let's hunt for a halal meat restaurant.

It was obvious for us to get so hungry after hiked and even got lost on the route. We decided to hunt a halal restaurant in Roponggi Area. We chose restaurant named "Sumiyakiya" (if I'm not mistaken, kind of forget the name). As always we went by direction from Master Google Maps. Maybe it took time 20 minutes for us to find that certain restaurant. But we didn't care, as long as finally we found that, we could eat!!!
We were too hungry, sorry for not taking a picture for the food
But trust me it was amazingly superb goooood
In this reataurant we can as "okawari" (unlimited refill) of rice and kimchi (korean vegetable food). That's why I gave 9.5 to this restaurant. It took almost 15 minutes for our main menu to come, but we already eat rice and kimchi until half full. We ask "okawari" for the rice 5 times!!! hahahahaa~
The owner is guy from Srilanka, he is not a Moslem but he let us to pray inside his restaurant after the restaurant was closed at around 4 pm. He is so nice guy, we took a picture with his daughter too.

Nice restaurant, nice owner, with nice people from Sendai

4. Cherry blossom in the park

Tokyo was surrounded by millions cherry blossoms at that time. It was so lucky chance for us to be able to see them. It was just too beautiful...

under the cherry blossom

it was nice^^

5. Ueno Park

One of the most beautiful place I visited in Japan. Sakura view was super amazing here.
But sooo many people were there~

And we tried to get some picts there....

We're reaching the end!
Those are my report of trip to Tokyo during Spring vacation.
Thanks for reading!

EAGLES! [Baseball Match Report]

7th April 2015 

[late post, sorry was busy lately]

Actually I'm not even a fan of Baseball match, either I didn't know how to play. Nevertheless at that time my friend told me, as a student of Tohoku Daigaku we could watch in the stadium for free.
That's why I ended up going there, when the wind were too strong blowing at that time.
Baseball match is quite famous here in Japan. For Tohoku (northeast of Japan)  region, they have such a baseball team named "EAGLES" sponsored by Rakuten. People sometimes misspelled it by mentioned it as "Rakuten Eagles".
Logo of Eagles

I was going there from my Campus by bike

while my friends was going there by train. It was pretty windy and cold at that time. In order to save my money, I chose to ride my bike on my way to stadium, The scenery was so beautiful because cherry blossoms had started to bloom.

a short stop at the park
while riding my bike
The entrance

It's pretty cool uh

My friend said: take a picture of two tickets so that you won't be called as a "single" lonely guy
me: Whatsoever ._.

The weather was good for match but not good for me

It was good for match because rain didn't fall down. However it was hard for me to keep being safe and sound. It was windy and cold day and I need to sit on the outdoor bench for hours.
Whatever all those difficulties but stiil, I keep enjoyed the match.

Nice Stadium

Here they are, my friend from tohoku daigaku

My first selfie on any match stadium

Tips Mengendalikan Amarah dalam Islam (How to Control your Anger as a Moslem)

source in Bahasa Indonesia from

"For those who can resist back his anger, while he could shout it, then Allah SWT will call him in front of everything. After that Allah SWT will ask him to choose angles from jannah and marry her." (HR Ahmad).

Barang siapa yang dapat menahan amarahnya, sementara ia dapat meluapkannya, maka Allah akan memanggilnya di hadapan segenap mahluk. Setelah itu, Allah menyuruhnya memilih bidadari surga dan menikahkannya dengan siapa yang ia kehendaki.” (HR Ahmad).

Begitu istimewanya imbalan yang diberikan bagi orang yang dapat mengendalikan amarahnya, sampai Allah pun mempersilahkan ia untuk memilih bidadari surga yang ia suka. Lalu, bagaimana caranya mengendalikan amarah? 

Syekh Abdul Azis bin Fathi as-Sayyid Nada dalam kitab Mausuu’atul Aadaab al-Islamiyahmengungkapkan hendaknya seorang Muslim memperhatikan adab-abad yang berkaitan dengan marah. Berikut adab atau cara mengendalikan marah menurut Islam:
How to control you anger. Here's the steps:
  1. Jangan marah kecuali karena Allah SWT. Marah karena Allah merupakan sesuatu yang disukai dan mendapatkan pahala. Seorang Muslim yang marah karena hukum Allah diabaikan merupakan contoh marah karena Allah, misalnya marah ketika menyaksikan perbuatan haram. Never get angry except for the sake of Allah. For example, you can be angry when you see something haram.
  2. Berlemah lembut dan tak marah karena urusan dunia. Sesungguhnya semua kemarahan itu buruk, kecuali karena Allah SWT. Abdul Azis bin Fathi as-Sayyid Nada mengingatkan, kemarahan kerap berujung pada pertikaian dan perselisihan yang dapat menjerumuskan manusia ke dalam dosa besar dan dapat pula memutuskan silaturahim. Never get angry for any dunya thingy. Every anger is bad except for the sake of Allah SWT. Abdul Azis bin Fathi as-Sayyid Nada reminded us, anger usually lead us into fight and war which could drag humans into very big sin. Moreover it may cut sillaturahim between moslem.
  3. Mengingat keagungan dan kekuasaan Allah ketika marah. Ketika mengingat kebesaran Allah SWT, maka kemarahan bisa diredam. Bahkan, mungkin tak jadi marah sama sekali. Itulah adab paling bermanfaat yang dapat menolong seseorang untuk berlaku santun dan sabar. Always remember of Allah's power. When you remember Allah is The Biggest among all, The Powerfull among all, your anger may disappear. This is how someone usually manages his anger.
  4. Menahan dan meredam amarah jika telah muncul. Allah SWT menyukai seseorang yang dapat menahan dan meredam amarahnya. Allah SWT berfirman, ” … dan orang-orang yang menahan amarahnya dan memberi maaf orang lain, dan Allah mencintai orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan.” (QS Ali Imran:134). Allah loves the one who can resist back his anger. Firman of Allah "...Who spend [in the cause of Allah ] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah loves the doers of good;" (Ali Imran: 134)
  5. Berlindung kepada Allah ketika marah. Nabi SAW bersabda, “Jika seseorang yang marah mengucapkan; ‘A’uudzu billah (aku berlindung kepada Allah SWT) niscaya akan reda kemarahannya.” (HR Ibu ‘Adi dalam al-Kaamil.). Asking protection from Allah everytime you get angry. Sabda of Nabi SAW : "When someone gets angry and said "‘A’uudzu billah" (I ask protection from Allah SWT), then his anger will be fading."(HR Ibu ‘Adi dalam al-Kaamil.)
  6. Diam. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Ajarilah, permudahlah, dan jangan menyusahkan. Apabila salah seorang dari kalian marah, hendaklah ia diam.” (HR Ahmad). Terkadang orang yang sedang marah mengatakan sesuatu yang dapat merusak agamanya, menyalakan api perselisihan dan menambah kedengkian.
  7. Mengubah posisi ketika marah. Mengubah posisi ketika marah merupakan petunjuk dan perintah Nabi SAW. Nabi SAW bersabda, “Jika salah seorang di antara kalian marah ketika berdiri, maka hendaklah ia duduk. Apabila marahnya tidak hilang juga, maka hendaklah ia berbaring.” (HR Ahmad).
  8. Berwudhu atau mandi. Menurut Syekh Sayyid Nada, marah adalah api setan yang dapat mengakibatkan mendidihnya darah dan terbakarnya urat syaraf. 
  9. Memberi maaf dan bersabar. Orang yang marah sudah selayaknya memberikan ampunan kepada orang yang membuatnya marah. Allah SWT memuji para hamba-Nya “… dan jika mereka marah mereka memberi maaf.” (QS Asy-Syuura:37).
Itulah kesembilan cara yang bisa kita lakukan untuk meredam kemarahan. Terlihat sulit tapi percayalah, jika kita berniat merubah diri kita untuk menjadi lebih baik, beberapa cara meredam kemarahan seperti yang disebutkan diatas patut dicoba. Insya Allah kita dapat termasuk ke dalam golongan seperti yang disebutkan dalam hadits riwayat Imam Ahmad, yakni mendapat imbalan indah bertemu dengan bidadari surga dan dimuliakan-Nya. 

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