What's rockin' on November in Japan? もみじ

What's rockin' on November in Japan? What did I do? Where did I go?

It's been December now! Sometimes it's snowing. It's very cold outside.  BUT, NOVEMBER WAS GREAT! The air was so good. The most beautiful season ever, here is the summary!

View of Autumn day

1. Ayashi

Me and some of Indonesian Students went to this place with no coincidence. Our original plan was going to geotrack on the mountain but train line that we need to use couldn't operate at that day because there was an railway accident. So we change our plan to go to somewhere else. Ayashi is such a nice place especially in Autumn. 

photo credit by mas dipta

                                                                                                          photo credit by mas dipta

PPI Sendai

2.  Laboratory's Imonikai

Japanese people really love to hold a party. Imonikai is Autumn season only party which only be held in Sendai. It's my first party in Laboratory, then every month we have a party hahaha..

Laboratory fellas with Professor, Assoc. Professor, and great student

Enjoying おでん

3. Astronomical Observation with Tohoku University student 

It was very great experience. 天文が好きから、あそこへ行きました。嬉しかった!彼達は優しいですよ。私は日本語を話した。

kirei na sora

All photos credit to Yuta Mochizuki (雄太望月)

4. Tohoku University Festival

This is what I've been dreaming of since long time ago. School Festival! I watched some anime with School festival in it. Looks like it's fun. With lot of school's club, student, selling food, etc. 
Now I am in thew festival! Yeah it was soooo fun. I watched live performance, band, visited wonderful club, eating japanese food, etc.

although it was rain

train club

I ate oden

one of club

Astronomy Club

5. Sendai Astronomical Observatory (仙台市天文台

This is my first time visiting Astronomical Observatory. Really impressed. Very Interesting. I watched a movie about Hayabusa 2 (Japan's Satellite that just being launched about last 2 weeks) in planetarium.

at the entrance gate

inside the building

6. Matsushima

I and some my Indonesian friends went to Matsushima. Matsushima is close to the sea.

very cold

Lampion with quotes on it


7. Experiment of Particle Physics

 Kind of "I don't know why did I take this course". But life must go on, just face it and run for it. The experiment is about Multi-wire proportional Chamber. What the hell is that 

data from oscilloscope 

My experiment's pipe

7. I cooked some food! My cooking skill is getting increasing. I never failed to cook again.

Martabak telor

martabak manis!

No, this one is not my cooking :p

tempe penyet

tempe penyet paprika

The last is my ID Card, I have it on November

Lab's member ID