
When the leaves turn brown, the scent of the air is the best, you must be in autumn...


Suddenly tiny ice flakes fell down and all of places turn into romantic sites

Light Pageant

One of most beautiful site I visited in Japan

Line Follower Robot

Simple but very precious for me. Roughly speaking it does change my life up to now.

Laboratory card member

Currently student in Nakazawa Laboratory, Tohoku University. Lab's specialty is Ultrahigh speed optical communication.

Labortory Experiment

Ultrahigh Speed Optical Communication

International Conference | Trip to BANDUNG

Good morning everyone!
Thank you for coming to this page. A huge thanks I delivered for you :)

--Part One--

The Conference

So, this post is basically about my experience when I had an international conference about optics in Bandung, West Java. My paper was selected to be presented on ICACOMIT (International Conference on Automation, Cognitive Science, Optics, Micro Electro-Mechanical System, and Information Technology).
The event date was on 29-30 October 2015. Almost all of the presenter are holding a bachelor degree already. But I still had my confidence, of course. The venue was in Hotel Aston Tropicana BANDUNG, but I chose to stay in my high school friend's rent house. Yeah, my friend is studying in Institute Technology of Bandung, West Java. 

Actually that was my first time coming to Bandung.. I think Bandung is nice city. So many beautiful places, delicious foods, etc. Nevertheless the traffic jam is still a problem. And also public transportation is not so supportive, accessible, and understandable enough for a tourist like me :( I went around Bandung city by walk because I didn't know the route of "angkot", and of course I didn't want to spend much money for getting into cab hihihi.

Me! At the conference venue

Trip to Milano, Italia on Summer 2015

About 2 months ago I went to Milano, Italia for a conference as well as short trip. Here's the report!

Milan. Just the sound of the name conjures up visions of fashion show runways and beautiful models.Italy was not cryogenically frozen six centuries ago, and Milan is the pulse-quickening proof. After all, visitors flock here not only for La Scala opening nights and Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, but also for spring and fall fashion weeks, chic designer showrooms and modern art fairs. Modern Milanese are audacious, industrious daydreamers.


Five hundred years in the making, Milan’s magnificent gothic cathedral sublimely dominates the city’s central piazza. No matter how many times you see it, its pearly white facade of petrified pinnacles elicits a little gasp of awe. Head up to the roof for a heavenly view of its spires and a vertigo-inducing perspective of the piazza with the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Europe’s oldest shopping mall, to your right and the Royal Palace to your left.

Then swap old for new next door in Milan’s modernist showcase, the Museo del Novecento. As you rise up the spiral ramp through 20th-century neo-impressionists, futurists, surrealists and spatialists, you can trace the story of the city through fascism, two World Wars and the dawn of the technological era.


In front of the castle catch vintage tram #1 and trundle south on its wooden benches to the neighbourhood of Navigli. Here, Milan’s medieval network of canals rise to the surface and are lined with bookshops, boutiques and bars. As the most fashionable Bohemian ‘burb in the city, Navigli is home to thriving community of artists and musicians making this a great place to stroll and shop.


How to Survive in Japan with Low Cost Student Mode | Cara bertahan hidup di Jepang

Currently I am studying in Tohoku University, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken, JAPAN. Before I stepped on this rising sun land, tons of insecurity about "survival" things were so bothersome.
I got scholarship from JASSO 80,000 yen per month but I wasn't pretty sure it would be enough for surviving here, on the land of "top 10 highest living cost country" across the globe.

Saat ini, saya sedang menjalani student exchange di Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Jepang. Sebelum keberangkatan, tentunya saya sangat khawatir apakah dengan bermodalkan besiswa dari JASSO sebesar 80,000 yen per bulan saya dapat bertahan hidup , mengingat Jepang adalah negara dengan biaya hidup yang cukup tinggi.

Harga Sushi di convenient store

Tidak terasa 8 bulan lebih saya sudah hidup di Jepang. Ternyata tidak semenakutkan yang saya kira, untuk masalah finansial. Saya masih bisa makan 3 kali sehari (bahkan suka lebih), seminggu sekali makan di restoran, jalan-jalan keliling jepang (kanto,kansai,hokkaido), bahkan Alhamdulillah sampai jalan-jalan ke eropa dengan tabungan JASSO. Nah, sekarang saya akan mengulas tentang kiat-kiat saya, tips dan trik bertahan hidup di jepang dengan low cost.

1. Biasakan masak di rumah

Masakan jepang memang menggiurkan, apalagi kalau anda berada di jepang. Rasanya ingin makan di luar terus, setiap hari. Tapi, harga makanan yang telah jadi dibandingkan dengan bahan-bahannya saja cukup jauh rentang harganya. Hal ini terjadi karena di Jepang, upah pegawai cukup tinggi sehingga makanan jadi yang memanfaatkan jasa chef atau pelayan restoran menjadi tinggi harganya (tapi sangat enak!). Kalau 3X sehari makan di luar terus menerus sepertinya akan rugi juga ya.. Bayangkan, misalkan anda beli makan di konbini (convenient store) yang harganya paling tidak 300-500 untuk makanan porsi makan siang. 500x3 kali sehari = 1,500. 1,500x30 hari dalam satu bulan =45,000. 45,000 yen untuk makan makanan konbini 3x sehari. Belum lagi ditambah uang sewa apato (apartment) yang pasti diatas 25,000 yen tiap bulan
(kalau saya sih di asrama, biaya tagihan perbulan biasanya sekitar 12,000 yen), bayar air, gas, asuransi, transportasi, dsb. Belum lagi kalau ingin jajan di luar, beli es krip, buah, dsb.
Namun, jika anda masak.........
Belanja di supaa (supermarket) at least sekali seminggu dan menghabiskan 3000 yen perminggu (sudah termasuk beli ayam, sayur, es krim, dsb). Beli beras 10 kg paling murah Rp 1,700 yen bisa untuk makan 2 bulan (untuk yang makannya porsi kuli, untuk wanita seperti saya biasaya bisa 2.5 bulan :p *sesama porsi kuli mah saya).
Jadi untuk makan 3,000x4 minggu sebulan - 12,000 yen + beras sebulan 800 yen = 20,000 yen sebulan! Itu untuk makanan pokok ya, kalau mau makan diluar sekali-kali ya silahkan... dan percaya deh, kalau kita sering masak di rumah, sekalinya makan di restoran akan terasa sangat nikmat. Saya sih biasanya makan di kaiten sushi restoran (seperti genki sushi) atau ke italian atau japanese restaurant bersama sahabat-sahabat saya saat weekend. Kalau weekday agak susah meet up teman, masa mau makan sendirian (ngga enak bro).

masak bersama teman-teman

a proper meals at the restaurant with friend (my first restaurant's meal in japan ever)

memanggang takoyaki bersama sahabat

2. Setiap hari masak nasi

Sebagai orang indonesia, kita tak bisa terlepas dari nasi sebagai makanan pokok kita. Mengingat harga nasi matang dan beras jauh berbeda, maka akan lebih menguntungkan untuk kita selalu memasak nasi. Terkadang kesibukan kuliah membuat kita malas masak karena kita harus bangun pagi-pagi (gak pagi-pagi amat juga sih), berangkat ke kampus, dll. Tapi satu hal yang jangan sampai terlewat. Bawa nasi. Tidak "fresh from the oven" tidak masalah. Masukin aja nasi persediaanmu (yang mungkin masaknya kemarin malamnya sebelum tidur) ke dalam kotak makanmu. Jangan kawatir makan nasi dingin, kalau di kampus kita bisa memanfaatkan microwave yang ada di kampus untuk menghangatkan kembali nasi kita. Kemudian kita tinggal beli lauknya di cafetaria. Biasanya saya makan ikan dan sayuran berkisar sekitar 100-250 yen sekali makan untuk lauknya saja. Karena saya sudah bawa nasi, maka saya tak perlu membeli nasi . Berikut harga nasi di kantin, porsi kecil 54 , sedang 64 yen, besar 97 yen, super besar 127 yen. Karena saya makannya selalu porsi besar, jadi untuk saya, lebih menguntungkan kalau bawa nasi sendiri sebanyak yang saya mau.
soba with tempura di kantin kampus
meal di kampus

3. Naik Sepeda supaya sehat

Tampak atas dari sepeda saya (yang telah menemani saya selama ini)

Transportasi di jepang sangatlah mudah. Banyak jalur kereta, subway, bus, dsb. Namun, karena jepang adalah negara maju dengan upah pekerja dan biaya maintenance tinggi, maka sekali lagi, tarif transportasinya juga sangat tinggi. Untuk naik bis saja, jauh dekat 230 yen. Naik kereta dan subway 140-400 yen untuk jarak dekat. Tentunya setiap hari kita butuh mobile dong, inginnya sih tanpa mengeluarkan ratusan bahkan ribuan yen tiap harinya. Solusinya adalah, naik sepeda. Sepeda merupakan salah satu alat transportasi utama di Jepang, maka tak heran, pemerintahkan bahkan sampai punya policy sendiri untuk para pesepeda. 
Kalau ingin membeli sepeda baru di toko sepeda, harganya berkisar antara 8,000-..... untuk geared bike. Kebetulan saya beli sebeda di bazaar. Walaupun second tapi masih bagus dan memiliki gear. Hanya 4000 yen saja. Setiap hari saya mengayuh sepeda untuk mobile dari tempat satu ke tempat yang lainnya.

4. Tidak membeli paket internet

Membeli paket internet di jepang, berarti anda harus membeli hape di jepang (kontrak) atau kontrak pocket wifi. Atau bisa juga sebenarnya membeli sim card tapi harus menggunakan kartu kredit, sementara saya belum punya kartu kredit. Agak susah memang. Al hasil, selama saya tinggal di jepang, saya tidak pernah membeli layanan paket internet untuk smartphone. Selama ini saya hanya memanfaatkan wifi di kampus, wifi dalam kamar (3,000 yen per bulan), dan free wifi misalnya di seven eleven. Agak susah memang di awal karena terkadang kita jadi susah dihubungi jika sedang berada di luar, namun lama kelamaan akan terbiasa apalagi dengan adanya free wifi di tempat-tempat perbelanjaan misalnya (jadi lebih peka akan adanya free wifi).

5. Part time Job

Bagian ini mungkin opsional saja, jika anda memiliki waktu luang, ingin cari pengalaman bagaimana rasanya part time job di jepang, bisa bahasa jepang (level dapat mengerti dan dimengerti), maka part time job lah pilihan yang tepat. Mengingat hampir semua mahasiswa di jepang menjalani part time job di sela-sela kuliah mereka, saya pun tertarik untuk bisa melakukan part time job atau arubaito ini. Ditambah lagi dengan minumum salary yang tinggi di Jepang. Untuk kota sendai, minimal gaji adalah 750 yen per jam. Cukup banyak bukan? mengingat kerjanya juga tidak "se-romusha" kerja dengan gaji sebesar itu di Indonesia.

Tidak susah untuk tinggal dan hidup di jepang sebenarnya. Kalau mau berhemat, sangat bisa yakni dengan cara memasak sendiri dan bersepeda untuk mobilisasi. Berhemat bukan berarti hidup serba pelit, melainkan menyisihkan sebagian uang yang kita punya untuk dinikmati di akhir minggu bersama orang -orang tersayang. Ada kalanya kita juga butuh rekreasi, maka kita dapat gunakan uang simpanan kita.

#Inequality "Indonesia's Major Problem"

What do you think about Indonesia? Diverse country! Yeah, I have some interesting pictures showing how diverse Indonesia especially the people are.

According to me, Indonesia's most major problem is the income/economics disparity. The income gap sometimes leads to influence people's mindset.

Differences in national income equality around the world as measured by the national Gini coefficient


Think, income gap causes high criminality, corruption everywhere as well as the rubbish, disgusting flood, and CRAZY TRAFFIC JAM especially in capital city.

Bagaimana bisa income disparity mempengaruhi tingkat kriminalitas?

Kita langsung ambil kasus aja ya. Seseorang yang bekerja di perusahaan multinasional dengan gaji diatas Rp 8.000.0000,- kita bandingkan dengan pedagang kaki lima yang penghasilan tiap bulannya tak menentu, misalnya netto Rp 50.000 per hari. 

Referensi lain yang cukup bagus nih

Yummy Foods in Italia #Eurotrip2015

Duomo Cathedral, Milano, IT

“NOT I – NOT ANYONE else, can travel that road for you, You must travel it for yourself.” – Walt Whitman

I'd never imagined that I was be able to go to another continent of this world. It was like a dream but sure was so beautiful. So, I participated on a conference located in Milano Italy. The conference itself already blew me away. Thank you Microsoft for the support and funding :)
Yeah, I was there during EXPO MILANO 2015. It was totally amazingly stunning place, event, and everything!!!!

Milano, Italy

Hotel's buffet menu, party at the bar, and GELATO(check until the last, you'll find my gelato)!

Halal marked Beef :)
Milan is famous of their heritage and of course their world class football team (AC Milan and Inter Milan). I spent almost 10 days here. At the first time it was not that easy to settle in different country from yours (especially different continent and type of person). I was living in japan before, so I was used to interact with people who says "Thank you" , "I am so sorry" , and "excuse me" all the time. While in europe, people are so blunt. The shop keeper didn't smile to the customer, The cashier in supermarket only said "Grazie" without smiling, Maybe I was too sensitive but It was quite different with anything I got from Japan. Yeah, they had their own way to express and interact with people, I just need to learn more about different kind of people.

For the first 4 days I stayed in 4 Stars Hotel (of course, thanks to microsoft's support and assistance) and ate buffet hotel menu all the time (feels like in paradiseee :D ). After that I moved to my friend's apartment in Milan.

“I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads. Not knowing where I’m going is what inspires me to travel it.” — Rosalia de Castro

Ok, let's first talk about the food. I didn't eat any rice on the first  days. Beef, Chicken, pasta, croissant, and a lot of cakes were my daily menu. First time I was so excited knowing I was granted to eat "all you can eat" food in the hotel, but as the day counts I missed rice so much...


You know what amazing to be in italia? You could eat pizza, yeah very original pizza, where they originally came from. I couldnt find any tomato sauce or mayonnaise on it. Yeah, actually original italian pizzas were never using any sauce or any other thing that could tear the original taste of pizza itself. So my pizza was soooo cheessyyy but it was so delicious. I LOVE IT!
This pizza was.......Sooo delicious

Mozzarella and the Pasta

About to eat those mozzarellas

Ultra weird kind of pasta

My kind of dinner on GALA DINNER with amazing people (mostly president of department) from Microsoft, Aviva, ITU, etc.

The salmons


lets sit and eat as a lady

(just) a little part
Summary, it was a great night. Especially because of the gala dinner was held on the skyscraper building. Looking Milano city from above was something.
Besides, at that dinner, it was first time on my life, I was granted to eat as many salmon as I want, totally so good. I could drink wine (of course) so I just drank mineral water.

Best dinner menu ever!!!

My last night staying at the hotel probably was the best dinner menu ever. Vegetables and very delicious fruit everywhere. The pastas were so good too! I am sure I gained weight that night.

the cake I could eat as much as I want

My everyday breakfast at the Crowne Plaza Hotel San Donato Milanese (all you can eat!)


I love gelato! I could get 2 scopes of gelato with only 2.5-3 euros. Check my next post to know more about my gelato! Catch you soon :)


Sendai, JP 

Bila kamu jatuh cinta, jangan sampai membuat orang yang kamu cintai itu ikut jatuh

"Bila kamu jatuh cinta, jangan sampai membuat orang yang kamu cintai itu ikut jatuh"

Jagalah orang yang kita cintai dari ketidakmampuan kita menjaga diri. Karena, tugas kita tidak hanya menjaga diri sendiri, tapi juga menjaga orang lain dari perasaan yang kita miliki kepadanya :)

(via kurniawangunadi)

Cherry Blossom in Tokyo

On the beginning of April, I and some friends were going to Tokyo

for seeing the first cherry blossom in Tokyo
here's some picts:

Cherry blossom (Sakura)

Roughly speaking, that was my one of crazy adventure in Japan. Why?

1. It was started when we chose to ride the night bus

We chose the night bus because it was obviously cheapest way to go to Tokyo. Around 23.45 our bus departed from Sendai station to Tokyo. I didn't sleep at all during our 6 hours riding a bus. I didn't know why, I just couldn't.
Finally, at 6 am we arrived safely in bus parking close to Shinjuku Station, Tokyo. Our first destination was Takao-yama (Mount Takao). Yeah, we would like to do a "little hiking".

2. Hiking 

On the way going to the site, we passed through thousands of sakura (cherry blossoms) which was my first time to see at the entire my life.
After about 1 hour riding train, we arrived on the desired site. However, we wanted to hike a mountain from 3/4 height to up (hahaha not 100%).
That's why we would ride a cable car to go up first.

This is the elevated cable car

some calligraphy on my way to go upper

with some friends

ignore it

with sisters
finally we made it on top

2. We reached the top but it didn't mean we "finished" here

On that height, it was impossible for us to go down normally (without any cable car or lift). So we managed to look for the way going to those facilities.
Unfortunately we were lost in direction, It caused us to walk up and down hill so many times just because we realized the wrong path after miles away we went down hill.
After about 1 hour we burned fat by hiked the wrong path, finally we found the way. We decided to ride a "lift" on the way go down. The lift was so scary at the first time, but I pretty enjoyed my time after some minutes being on that lift.

The lift has no holder in front of our body, only a hand holder on the right and left side
Actually it was dangerous to hold or even take a picture while on the lift :p

3. I'm hungry! Let's hunt for a halal meat restaurant.

It was obvious for us to get so hungry after hiked and even got lost on the route. We decided to hunt a halal restaurant in Roponggi Area. We chose restaurant named "Sumiyakiya" (if I'm not mistaken, kind of forget the name). As always we went by direction from Master Google Maps. Maybe it took time 20 minutes for us to find that certain restaurant. But we didn't care, as long as finally we found that, we could eat!!!
We were too hungry, sorry for not taking a picture for the food
But trust me it was amazingly superb goooood
In this reataurant we can as "okawari" (unlimited refill) of rice and kimchi (korean vegetable food). That's why I gave 9.5 to this restaurant. It took almost 15 minutes for our main menu to come, but we already eat rice and kimchi until half full. We ask "okawari" for the rice 5 times!!! hahahahaa~
The owner is guy from Srilanka, he is not a Moslem but he let us to pray inside his restaurant after the restaurant was closed at around 4 pm. He is so nice guy, we took a picture with his daughter too.

Nice restaurant, nice owner, with nice people from Sendai

4. Cherry blossom in the park

Tokyo was surrounded by millions cherry blossoms at that time. It was so lucky chance for us to be able to see them. It was just too beautiful...

under the cherry blossom

it was nice^^

5. Ueno Park

One of the most beautiful place I visited in Japan. Sakura view was super amazing here.
But sooo many people were there~

And we tried to get some picts there....

We're reaching the end!
Those are my report of trip to Tokyo during Spring vacation.
Thanks for reading!