What do you think about Indonesia? Diverse country! Yeah, I have some interesting pictures showing how diverse Indonesia especially the people are.
According to me, Indonesia's most major problem is the income/economics disparity. The income gap sometimes leads to influence people's mindset.
Differences in national income equality around the world as measured by the national Gini coefficient. |
Think, income gap causes high criminality, corruption everywhere as well as the rubbish, disgusting flood, and CRAZY TRAFFIC JAM especially in capital city.
Bagaimana bisa income disparity mempengaruhi tingkat kriminalitas?
Kita langsung ambil kasus aja ya. Seseorang yang bekerja di perusahaan multinasional dengan gaji diatas Rp 8.000.0000,- kita bandingkan dengan pedagang kaki lima yang penghasilan tiap bulannya tak menentu, misalnya netto Rp 50.000 per hari.
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