What're freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, and alumnae mean?
Freshman is a newbie in college. He just graduated from his high school and chill the University life. Still optimistic, oftenly get confused to the path he choose ahead to survive in college life. Still pure hearted and easy to be influenced by others.
Diligence : High
Total of having text book: Most original copy
Outfit : Neat shirt, using shoes everytime
Financial : literally safe
Sophomore is a 2nd year student in college. Merely get used to the college, more experience.
Diligence : Safe
Total of having text book: decreasing, more ebook or 2nd hand book
Outfit : Neat shirt, sometimes not using shoes
Financial : balance and very safe
Junior is a third year student in college. Literally has made a decision on what path, type of job that he wants.
Diligence : Medium
Total of having text book: Much less
Outfit : Casual
Financial : staring to invest or build start up comapny or brave enough to travel the world means poor life
Senior is forth or last year student in college. Projects are waiting ahead. Starting to think whether he can possibly graduate this year or not. For single man and woman starting to think their future in love life. Whether they can possibly get married soon or not. Continuing to master degree or take a full time job. Attending job interview and fair everywhere.
Diligence : Study : least, everything which has high possibility earning money : highest
Total of having text book: almost none
Outfit : taking a bath only when about to attend job fair and interview or meet the teacher
Financial : I NEED JOB
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