I Forgot My bank Card password in Japanese Bank 【私のパスワードの銀行カ―ドをわすれました】

It's about my story in 77 Bank of Sendai,  alone.  
77七十七銀行 仙台。
I'm so clumsy. I forgot my bank book password. So that my atm card was blocked and I can't withdrawal my money :(
On monday I went to 77 bank in sendai to fix my password. I have to speak in japanese with my very low skill of Japanese.  And it made me write the longest kanji in my life.  EVER

Longest Kanji that I ever write  in Japan
When I was asked to wait by the teller
It was not easy to write kanji of your address although you've just copied what's written inside a residence card..  でもとてもむずかしですね。。。。

My self potrait while waiting for my turn 


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